Hi! I’m Kristen. I’m honored to have you stop by this little corner of the internet. :)

There is so much that is heavy and hard in our world, but my prayer for this space is that it will offer some hope and encourage you to keep your gaze fixed on the One who is the reason for that hope.

I write about community: I believe God made us for connection - both with Him and with each other - and I am passionate about cultivating those relationships.

I write about suffering: I believe suffering isn’t something to be avoided. Don’t get me wrong… I don’t enjoy it! But the Lord is teaching me that suffering is where I can know Him deeply. And that is the point of everything, really.

I write to remember what’s true: In the past few years I have found myself easily weighed down by the darkness and pain in our world. I will be encouraged by my time in the Word and prayer, but when I get off the couch to go about my day it’s as if I have amnesia. So I write in an attempt to remind myself that He is at work and He will, one day make all things new (Revelation 21:5).

What I share isn’t new or profound, but I believe God sends us a word to sustain us at just the right time. Maybe you, like me, are disheartened by so much of what you hear and see. This blog is my offering to Him, to use as He sees fit. I pray you’ll be encouraged!

A little about me…

I call north Idaho home. My husband (Jeff) and I and our three kids moved here eight years ago.

Pre-Idaho we served as career missionaries. We thought we’d be doing that our entire lives, but God had other plans. The journey from Papua New Guinea to Idaho was, for me, one of grief and surrender and learning to trust. It took me deep with Jesus. While (even after eight years!) my heart is still tender, I wouldn’t change a thing. He is worth any price.

I love to read and crochet. I love being a mom to teenagers. I love camping and generally being out-of-doors. I love coffee and going below the surface in conversation. I love God’s word and am passionate about getting it to every corner of the earth. I avoid conflict and have trouble setting boundaries. I 100% believe people are more important than my to-do list but often have trouble fleshing that out in my day to do life. I believe there’s power in telling our stories and I hope you’re encouraged by mine.