Too busy?

So often when people ask how I am my first response is, “Busy!” These days I’m feeling that more than ever with a house full of teens, all with their own activities, jobs, and errands. I struggle to juggle it all well - our family schedule feeling like a chaotic jumble in my mind.

But this weekend a friend of mine shared a quote she’d heard about how we often say we’re busy because it makes us feel important. Ouch. For me it’s probably more about feeling accomplished, as if the busier I am - especially if I’m busy with “good” things - the better I am doing.

Don’t get me wrong, so often my heart is in the right place. I truly want to serve my family, disciple women, care for my aging parents, make meals for people who need them, and watch a friend’s littles to give her a break. I love helping people. And I think that’s something God has put in me to reflect His heart. But mixed in with my pure motives are the not-so-pure ones. I constantly battle the lie that I need to do more to be accepted - by God and others. I want to be admired and approved of.

And so I schedule coffee with ladies, I dream of Bible study ideas that I’d love to lead, I have a revolving door of ideas I want to implement in our school routine, and I have huge dreams to expand my garden and build a long-term food pantry (that may or may not involve moving to the country :)). I do, do, and do some more. I want to please the Lord by serving Him and I want to bless others.

But what if filling the hours of our days with activities and productivity is actually inhibiting me? What if I could please the Lord and bless others by pulling back? Is it possible that by creating margin and keeping a slower pace, I could actually accomplish more? I have a sneaking suspicion that it could. Because Jesus preached an Upside Down Kingdom.

You know those “what do you see first?” pictures - the ones that contain two pictures, where two people could see two different things? Both images are there, but you really have to concentrate to make your brain process and see the other image. I wonder if “busy” can be seen in this way. When I think of “busy” I imagine activities and a full schedule. But as I’ve been talking with the Lord about it, I’m realizing there’s another image there that I would do well to concentrate to try and see. Is it possible to be “busy” with Kingdom work without a full schedule? I’m beginning to realize it just might be.

I can’t quite see the clear picture of what that life would look like, but I see the blurry edges and I like the peace that is growing in me as I think about it. So as the days grow shorter and the weather turns cold, I’m purposing to quiet our schedule and spend some concentrated time learning about the slow life.

Care to join me?


Be the moon