The faith of Abraham

I’ve been thinking a lot about faith lately.

I’ve sensed God asking me to be willing to obey immediately when He asks me to do something. Just like we taught our kids when they were young, God has been saying to me, “It is so important that you obey right away when I speak to you.”

So, my mind has been on Abraham. He is one of my favorite Bible personalities. You know that question that people ask sometimes: if you could have lunch with a hero – past or present – who would it be? I’d pick Abraham. Without hesitation.

Just listen to these words from Hebrews. “By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and set out for a place that he was going to received as an inheritance. He went out, even though he didn’t know where he was going. By faith he stayed as a foreigner, living in tents as did Isaac and Jacob, coheirs of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations whose architect and builder is God.” (Hebrews 11:8-9)

Abraham didn’t know where God was leading him. Scripture indicates that God didn’t give him a lot of specifics. He simply said, “Follow me,” and Abraham did. He set out for an unfamiliar place. He left all that was familiar. Think about what it would be like to pack up your entire life and set out for a not-yet-specified location. Don’t just think about logistics, but think about the emotion of it. You’d be leaving your family, your comfort. I find great comfort in the rhythms and routines of life. The known is comfortable; the unknown… terrifying. And yet Abraham immediately obeyed.

Notice, too, that Isaac and Jacob are mentioned in the verses above. That’s an indicator that God’s promise was a long time in coming. After Abraham, generations were still wandering around, without permanent dwellings, waiting to see the promises of God fulfilled.

Are you waiting on God for something that feels a long time in coming? Take heart. Read far enough into the story and you see that God did fulfill His promise to Abraham – and to a degree that Abraham could probably not have even fathomed.

 “Your descendants will be as many as the stars in the sky.” Today the Jewish people are the only ancient people group mentioned in the Bible that are still in existence. The Hittites, Amalekites, Jebusites? Gone. But the Jews – Abraham’s descendants – are plentiful.

“You will be the father of many nations.” The New Testament tells us that all who put their faith in Jesus are sons of Abraham. So today he truly has children from many nations.

God keeps His promises. He did it for Abraham and He’ll do it for us.

Another thing we can note about Abraham? He was looking for the city whose architect and builder was God. So many times in this passage, it is mentioned that those who have gone before us were “seeking a homeland” and “desired a better place – a heavenly one”.

So friends, lets follow the example of our father, Abraham.

Trust God, even when He seems slow in keeping His promises. He knows what He’s doing. He sees the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is yet to come. (Isaiah 46:10) He can be trusted and His plans will far exceed our expectations. (Ephesians 3:20)

Keep your eyes set on the joy that is ahead. Think much about our “better and lasting possession”.

And let’s not fret while we wait. Trusting means resting. He does the work. What He asks of us is the same thing He asked of Abraham: believe and obey. He’ll do the rest.


God is Not Anxious (and We Can Trust Him)


When God Doesn’t Make Sense