God is Not Anxious (and We Can Trust Him)

Isn’t it such a comfort to know that God is not anxious? There is certainly a lot to be anxious about right now. Anxiety and depression are climbing steadily not only in America, but in nations around the world. In a way it makes sense. Think about the advancement and changes that have taken place in our world in the past 100 years. One hundred years can sound like a long time, but in the grand story of time, it’s a mere blip. And yet so much (dare I say almost everything??) has changed. We drive, we fly, we have a station that orbits earth, which is lived in continually. We can get anywhere on the planet in a matter of about a day. We can instantly communicate with people who live on the other side of the planet. Technology has gone from non-existent to the majority of the people on the planet carrying around a tiny, high-speed computer in their pockets. It sometimes feels like we’re on a merry-go-round that is malfunctioning and spinning out of control, while we hold on for dear life.

But God? He is not anxious. Not now, not ever.

The other day in my quiet time two separate ideas come to me that, in combination, brought great encouragement. The first was the reminder that God is sovereign - “He declares the end from the beginning, from ancient days, what is yet to be” (Isaiah 46:10). He knows all things that are happening right now in every place on earth. That fact alone will boggle the mind. And yet, He is far beyond that. He knows all that has ever happened since the dawn of time, and He knows all that will happen before He returns to take us home.

Not only is He aware of everything, but He is firmly in control. “God exercised His power in Christ by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His right hand in the heavens - far above every ruler and authority, power and dominion, and every title given, not only in this age, but also in the one to come.” (Ephesians 1:20-21)

The second thought I had that morning was that God loves me. Have you ever stopped to really think about that?

God. Loves… me.

I have walked with Jesus my entire life - I don’t even remember the moment I asked Him to be the “boss of my life” (as we say in our house), because I was so young. And sometimes these foundational truths of our faith can feel almost common place to me. (God, forgive me!) I’ll talk about Jesus dying for my sins or about God loving me as if they are just “ho-hum”, every day ideas on par with a discussion about my to-do list. But when I stop to really think about it: the God of the universe loves me? Wow. It’s too big to understand, but even the little sliver I can contemplate is enough to take my breath away.

Think about it: the entire narrative of the Bible is the story of God’s love for us. In the very beginning, God created us for friendship with Him. Then we sinned, and what did He do? He pursued us. He drew near - with ever-increasing proximity - a pillar to guide and protect in the wilderness, a tabernacle where His presence could reside as the Israelites traveled, then a permanent dwelling place in the temple once they entered the Promised Land. After that, Jesus came in flesh to walk among us. And when he rose and ascended, He sent His Spirit to live inside of us. Now we are inseparable friends.

These two ideas, when combined, bring a great deal of comfort. God made the universe, knows everything, and has it all under control. He is my Father and my friend. He knows intimately what is best for me because He knows His purposes for me and He knows my future. He can keep anything from my life that would not be beneficial and He can bring things into my life that He knows will strengthen our friendship and help me to better walk in His ways. He has my good (and His glory) in His sight and He is purposefully directing my every moment.

So it doesn’t matter what is happening around me, whether in my immediate circumstances, or in the world at large.

God is not anxious. And because of His love for us, we can trust Him.

“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us - to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen” Ephesians 3: 20


My Inadequacy; His Sufficiency


The faith of Abraham