The Peace of God

I was recently reminded of the rich meaning of the Hebrew word “shalom”. As you probably know, this word translated in English means peace. We often define peace as the absence of conflict and consider it the synonym of anxiety, but the Hebrew meaning is much more robust. It represents the idea of wholeness and restoration.

In John 16 when Jesus is speaking to His disciples just before He goes to the cross, He says, “I tell you these things so that you may have shalom.” He wanted them to walk into their tumultuous future operating from a place of wholeness and restoration. What exactly did He say to prepare them for this?

A paraphrase: “I have to go back to my Father to prepare a place for you so that you can come and be with us. I know you’ll be sad, but don’t worry - the Father will send the Holy Spirit to be your comforting Counselor and He will lead you into truth and remind you of all I’ve told you. Things will be difficult for you, but remember it’s all part of the plan. Trust Me. And don’t worry - in a little while I’m going to come back for you and we’ll be together forever and you will have so much joy! Remember - you are one with Me and with the Father now.”

All of this was to bring them peace. Jesus knew the grief His disciples would face. He knew the trials and suffering that lay ahead. So He told them what was coming. He told them of the hope that was ahead so that in their darkest hour they could remember that He would come back for them and He will set all things right. He knew the heaviness would be too much so He gave them something to keep in their sights, something to hang their hope on.

We’re in the same boat as the disciples, aren’t we? We are weighed down by grief and suffering as we make our journey through this life. I have felt a great heaviness lately and I hear from many others that they feel it too. This morning as I brought my heavy heart to the Lord I asked, “What am I supposed to do with this burden? How do I find joy through it?” Immediately he brought this passage to my mind. His answer for me is the same counsel He gave the disciples - remember what is true. “I have gone to prepare a place for you and in my stead the Father sent the Spirit to comfort and counsel you. You are not alone. Set your sights on the day when I come back to restore this world and everything in it to wholeness. Live with hope so the world will know the Father!”

Yes, there is reason to hope!

May we remember what is true, friends.



When God Doesn’t Make Sense


Thoughts on light and darkness