Thoughts on light and darkness

The day after the winter solstice, I sat on the couch looking out the window at a cloudless blue sky. The sun was shining brightly on the fresh snow that blanketed the mountain. After days of low clouds and heavy snowfall, I felt hope welling up inside of me. Such a beautiful reminder from the Lord of His epic story.

Jesus came to rescue us. He was born to make a way for us to come back into relationship with God. Thousands of years after sin had entered the world, He came. We were trapped under the thick cloud of sin, dismal and without hope. And then the sun came out.

Some days it doesn’t feel like we’re out from under that overcast sky, does it? Many days I feel like I’m fumbling around in the darkness, just looking for a ray of hope. But the fact is that Jesus did come. He gave us hope. We have a way to the Father. And we wait for the day when He comes again – this time to establish His righteous rule for all time. Now there is something to put your hope in!

Another thing the sun reminded me of that morning is the difference between light and darkness. Light emanates from the sun. Darkness has no origin – it is simply the absence of light. As the sun rises over the eastern horizon, its rays chase away the darkness. Darkness doesn’t have a chance; light takes over the darkness. Every time.

As in the physical world, so, too, in the spiritual world. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) What hope we have in Jesus!


The Peace of God


Be the moon